I am an English Teacher graduated from Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC) . Currently,I am taking a Master Course in Teaching English as Foreign Language at the same place. I work at Universidad Marítima del Caribe in Catia La Mar where the sphere of teaching is EOP. I love working there because everyday offers new challenges to grow in different aspects of my life. This has helped me a lot to be a better person and professional who is able to face the dynamics of society.
My E-Portfolio
Under this conception, I strongly think that teaching encompasses a wide range of changes worldwide where technology has definitely emerged as central issue. I have a strong passion for teaching through technology since it builds the foundations for learners to be autonomous and critical thinkers.
Just to finish, let us remember:
We, Teachers are like sharks, if we stop moving forward, we die.
(Peachey, 2006)
Road to the Future